Thursday, June 14, 2012

DIY Pimple Fighting Thyme Facial Toner!

Day 1 of my 30 Day Pin Challenge. Below is my pin of the day!
Courtesy of Crunchy Betty. Click this link for all of the information on fighting acne and blemishes with thyme
I have to admit I didn't think choosing a pin would be so difficult, but it was! It took me forever to just look through one board! I finally decided because I have not gone grocery shopping that my "Yummy Food" board and it's recipes were out, and that I would stick to supplies I currently own-- which is mostly ingredients for home made beauty products. So,  I decided to do something easy and practical...facial toner! This pin was about all the natural ways one can use thyme to fight facial acne and facial toner was one of the recipes. To be honest, my first thought was to make a facial mask with the thyme, but because it was 10:30pm at night (and I was sleepy), I decided that I probably should have started a little facial toner it was! I am breaking out a bit right now, so I figured this would be perfect and I can actually incorporate it into my daily routine..... which is the whole point! Right?...Right? So here we go...

I had already purchased the ingredients to make this toner about a week and a half ago when I pinned this pin. But, of course had not gotten around to make anything out of it. This challenge is really kicking my butt into gear! Yay! Here is a list of what you need.

100% Natural Facial Thyme Toner
      Witch Hazel
       Small glass bowl, or bottle

I still thought I was doing a mask at the time this photo was take hence the Indian Clay
 (which is pretty amazing by the way!!)

I am not even going to attempt to blog step by step directions on how to make this because it so easy...a caveman could do it. Actually they probably did do it. Seriously.  All you have to do is add the thyme to the bowl or bottle and sprinkle the thyme in. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes. This is why I didn't do a mask..I was planning on getting in the bed in 20 min, so no time (thyme...ha ha ha)  for letting clay sit on my face for another 20 min!

This is what it looked like while I was letting it steep for 20 min.
I had to pour mine in something else because I only wanted the liquid on my cotton pad, and not the thyme bits. A better idea is to strain the mixture into whatever you are going to use. I only made one use worth of toner for the night, so I will definitely do that next time.

My toner was light yellowish color, so all the good stuff had steeped for long enough (yes that is bar soap holder...haha it was really late.)!

After you let it sit, it should be a light yellow color. Grab a cotton ball or cotton pad and apply to your freshly washed face. It went on nicely. I didn't experience any harsh sensations. It was very smooth and smelled great! I really enjoyed my first pin challenge! I am excited for what comes next!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How True Are You to Your Pins?

Well, it's official. I am officially naming this blog a phase in my crazy life. This blog was a good try at actually sticking with something for longer than 1 week, but it too has failed. I have not written or posted a blog since Easter, and I feel like I have so much more to say and share.... But really, what is a good blog idea with no mojo or muse?  It's nothing. It's an idea in my head constantly being pushed back by other more important ideas that do have mojo---like making my own shampoo a couple of  weeks ago (which I should have blogged about!). Although, I did warn many of you that this may happen. I seem to have a theme in my life. I get extremely excited about something that I saw or heard somewhere (probably online as I am infamous for researching random crap on the internet and becoming crazy for it...just ask everyone I know), and then I get super obsessed about it for like a week and then I forget all about it. Literally, I forget I was even interested in it. People ask me about the thing  I was so into and I have no idea what they are talking about. Like the other day, for example, my Brother-in-Law Virgil, asks me about this blog. It took me almost 2 seconds to remember I had even started a blog, and then another half second to remember what the blog was even about. "Oh yea...that", I replied, "What about it?" I was shamed by my response because I remembered that this blog had so much much potential! Oh well, how does the saying go..."Another one bites the dust!" And, then I thought, NO! I will continue this blog. Because it's actually its not about the blog at all. It's about for the first time in my life actually seeing a hobby, resolution, extracurricular activity all the way to the end!!

Well all this thinking led me to another thought...Pinterest. Pinterest, for me anyway,  is the epitome of lots of ideas and no follow through. When I looked at my Pinterest profile, I realized I have pinned over 500 things!  I don't even recall pinning that often. I guess one pin leads to another and then another till you have pinned over 500 things of only God knows what. The very concept of Pinterest is supposed to be like cork board you keep on the wall. Something, that you look at daily so you can remember your current projects in your life. You are suppose to pin things that you will eventually incorporate into something real. Now, I understand some boards especially the futuristic ones such as weddings, future home inspirations aren't as easily incorporated into our daily lives--especially if you're single and or live at home with your parents... But, what about your food board, or your exercise board, or your craft board, or your fashion and beautify board? These boards are easily attainable for me and can be added to my daily or weekend routine. So, I have come up with a challenge that will keep me accountable with my blog and my pins! The challenge is called the 30 day Pinterest Challenge. I am going to vow to do one pin a day for 30 days. It will be a variety of recipes, outfits, my thoughts on an inspirational phrase, DIY crafts. This is going to super fun for the summer! Here we go ya'll! My first pin/blog will be tomorrow. :)